Zoe’s 12 Chosen ‘Parent and Toddler’ Poems

From Chapter 4 ‘Scrapbook’ Clueless Clarence



I’ve been watching you closely all this week

And realised you used your mouth to speak.

I’m older now and therefore not too young,

So, I cleared my throat and wobbled my tongue.


What was that “Mama” I’ve just heard you say?

Oh now, I’ve been so longing for this day,

And soon you won’t need to point any more,

Now that’ll be something well worth waiting for.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



Mummy, I’m getting closer to you now,

And you’re using your legs somehow.

But I’m using my knees to come your way

Perhaps I could try what you do one day.


Oh, love, you’re coming towards me as I’m walking

I know you’re extremely good at all that crawling,

I do it by putting one leg in front of the other.

I think you want to try; we can have a go together.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



Let’s just see what’s on the TV today,

I used to watch the programme Playaway.

Of course, it’s no longer on, but it was very good

Look, it’s Bob the Builder and he’s sawing wood.


Um, no, that episode has been on TV before.

It’s a nice day and I want to get up from this floor.

Right now, I’d like to be at the park and on a swing,

Oh, go on then… I’ll watch Bob again making his thing.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



Look, Mum, I did this at pre-school today.

I love paints and getting messy in this way,

I like their paintbrushes that we borrow

I hope we can do this again tomorrow.


Oh, what a fantastic painting of a blue whale

And you haven’t forgotten to put in his tail.

You’ve portrayed a beautiful tree as well,

You’ve got an artistic flair, I can tell.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie




Wow! I can see something new in the sky

It’s very long and lovely, look, come and see.

Oh! And there’s something strange going by

I’ve never seen these; they both look good to me.


We’ve got to make a wish because that’s a rainbow

Such beautifully bright colours they always show

And that there was a very small aeroplane

Oh no, goodbye sun, and back here comes the rain

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



Daddy, what’s that big white round thing

And those small things, bright and twinkling?

There are so many of them in the sky

It’s quite dark and yet I can see them, why?


Oh yes, look, right there is our moon

Somebody might go up there again soon.

And we call that a star, but really, it’s a sun,

It gives out loads of bright light, just like our one.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



This thing looks massive; I’ve no idea where we’re going,

You’ve kept it such a secret I’ve got no means of knowing,

It could be to a market or maybe to a fair,

If you do not spill the beans, I may not like it there.


This thing is a very big coach and now we’re on our way,

The best fun you’ve had was when we drove to the zoo,

So, I thought you’d like to meet some more animals today

This is your big surprise. I know they’ll welcome you.

We’ll be watching cows being milked and the piglets play

And if you behave you may even get to feed a lamb

To crown what I’m sure will be a memorable day.

Also, there is a puppy who likes to chase balls, called Sam.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



I’m sure I’ll hear you say, “Don’t be impatient,” yet again

I see a long way down the line, but there’s no train.

I’ve seen it now, but it’s not stopping, simply whizzing past

And look here is another one. I hope it’s ours at last.


I don’t need to tell you, this will be quicker than a bus,

But there are times when this is more convenient for us.

Oh, and although we’re going to a carnival for fun

Your eyes will love the scenery, especially in the sun.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



You haven’t smiled at all today,

Maybe you’re not feeling well,

When you are quiet in this strange way

I do find it hard to tell.


It isn’t hard to make me laugh,

You can sing or try tickling me,

Pretend you are a big giraffe

Or bounce me on your knobbly knee.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



I find it hard to be cross

When you flash that winning smile,

Makes me wonder who is boss

Ah! But only for a while.


I didn’t mean to misbehave

I want to make amends.

If you don’t love me, I’ll be brave

But can we still be friends?


Of course, I love you – and your grin,

So long as we have discipline.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



Knock, knock, hello, I’ve come for a visit.

Oh, I can’t fit in, I’m way too tall!

What a shame, but I can tell you so love it,

Sitting there looking at your book on a stall.


Hello, Daddy, I’m having great fun in here

These pictures are very good in this book.

I’m so very glad that you’re near,

Oh, please come, so you can have a look.

Copyright © 2013 written by Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts



I do like playing outside with you, Dad, in the garden,

But right now, I’m feeling a little tired and cold.

I sit on my blanket and watch TV in my playpen,

There’s Igglepiggle, that’s good, as I need him to hold.


Look, put your toys back in the shed for this year.

The winter’s come and it will stay until next spring.

But I can assure you time flies and we’ll be back, dear,

Playing outside again with your cars, bikes and swing.

Copyright - Zoe Hunter and Leslie Roberts 2013

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Zoe helps a number of charities, many of which are having a tough time in this difficult period for our nation. If you have enjoyed reading her work then she would be very happy if you were to make a small donation to the charity of your choice.

Zoe would love to hear from her readers with Questions, comments, suggestions and names of charities that you have supported after reading her work.